Cevo - Brescia
Vinay - France
Corato - Bari
Cevo - Brescia
Precast TENSITER articulated structures:
Bridges and road, motorway and railway overpasses
Rail-crossing bridges over operating railway lines
Artificial tunnels
Pedestrian underpasses
Utility tunnels
Urban underpasses/subway
Open air digged tube lines
Hydraulic tunnels
Pedestrian railway and subway station underpasses
Overhanging road widenings
Overhanging or traditional rockfall and avalanche protection tunnels
Precast TENSITER walls:
Retaining walls, land and road support walls and banking-retaining walls
Road and railway abutments, even for wide spanned bridges
Walls for the arrangement of very large landslides
Retaining walls in steep slopes
Factory yard backing
Preparation of building sites
Cavity walls for civil or industrial buildings
Retaining walls for private lands